The MuukTest Executor is a tool that downloads and executes your tests available in the MuukTest platform. The executor downloads the test you want from the portal and automatically executes them. This allows easy integration with Continuous Integration servers.
Verify the following packages are installed on your computer.
- Git.
- Internet Browser which will run the tests. By default MuukTest Executor uses Firefox. If you want to use another browser please contact us.
- Python 3, you can download it here.
- Java SE, download the latest version here or via a package manager.
# apt install default-jdk
Additionally, perform the following steps:
- Install requests package via pip
# pip3 install requests
- Install pillow package via pip
# pip3 install pillow
- Download your execution key. This key allows the executor to communicate with the MuukTest server without the need of prompting a password for every execution. See section Settings on MuukTest web app to download the key.
- Open a command-line terminal and locate it in the folder where you want to download MuukTest Executor.
- Clone the repository using the next command:
$ git clone
Downloading repository in a selected directory.
After executing the command a folder with the named executor will be downloaded and the script is available.
How to Use It
- Copy your personal executor key ( to the executor folder.
- Verify executor key ( and script are available under the same executor folder.
Checking if both files are in the same directory.
- You can execute the script to see the help message.
If you are not secure how to use it, you can use --help to see the sintaxis.
The MuukTest Executor has two ways to download the tests; either by testId or hashtag. To use the MuukTest Executor to run a test you just need to run this command:
$ python3 -p [param1] -t [param2]
Where each param means:
- param1: the parameter you want to search for the test. e.g.: tag or hashtag.
- param2: the test ID or hashtag you are looking for. e.g. TC78 or myHashtag. Note: for hashtags, you need to write it without #.
- If you want to download the test with the testId: TC197
$ python3 -p tag -t TC197
- Or, an alternative to downloading all tests assigned with the hashtag: myHashTag
$ python3 -p hashtag -t myHashTag
Select a browser to execute your test
MuukTest uses Firefox as the default browser to execute the tests, but you can specify if you want to use another one using the -browser parameter with one of the following values:
- chrome
- firefox
# python -p tag -t TC614 -browser chrome
Chrome issue
Depending on what version of the chrome browser are you using, our system may not have the necessary Web Driver to run the tests.
But don’t worry, you can search for the right driver version number and set it on the build.gradle file as the value for chromeDriverVersion, (remember to keep it between single quote marks like: ‘’).
You can do one of these to find the right version number:
1.- Check for it on the Google provided URL.
- You can search for it using the URL they provide and appending your Google Chrome version number at the end, but without the last numbers.
- Take the Chrome version number, remove the last part, and append the result to the URL.
For example, with Chrome version 72.0.3626.81, you'd get a URL:
The page will respond with a version number.
For full documentation about the version numbers, you can visit this page.
2.- Search on the webdriver downloads section
You can search for the driver version number that supports the Chrome browser version you are using. On the Download section, each chrome driver version states what chrome browser version does it support.
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