MuukTest extension provides the possibility to make a test case easy and fast. In this article, you will learn how to record a test with the extension.
Record a test case
The first step to record a test is be on the page that you want to make the test case. For this tutorial, you will be on Google.
Now, you going to open the extension and you will see two spaces for text. The first space is for a test name, you will write First Test. The second space is for a description, where you can make hashtags using a # before word.
When you finishes to write in both spaces, you going to click on Start Test button, and your test has been started.
You can see that the extension changes their layout. When the extension has this options is when you can interact with the page to record your test.
In your page, you will see that the mouseover generate a red square on the item that passes.
If you click on an item, the red square converts to a green square. In this case, the step was saved.
To follow this tutorial, you going to write MuukTest on Google search input.
After, you going to click on Google Search (or press Enter in your keyboard) and Google will show you the answers to your search.
You going to click on MuukTest page, and the next page going to on your browser. To check that the page works, you going to click on a label to record the step.
Now, you finish your test but, how I know that my test has been finished? To finish your test, you will open the extension and you can see a pop up like that. There, you going to click on End Test button to finish your test.
When you press on this button, MuukTest will send your test and steps to your MuukTest account. After that, you will see two options: View Test, that it will go to portal to see your recorded test; or New Test, that will refresh the extension to start a new test.
You going to click on View Test button to go to portal to see your test.
On portal, you click on your First Test, and it will be opened. Finally, you can execute them in the next tutorial.
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