The MuukTest portal will provide you the tools to manage, and edit tests; additionally, it will allow you to create tests automatically. The portal comprises sections such as Analytics, Tests, Executions, Scheduling, and Account.
MuukTest portal consolidates the tests executed either via CLI or in the cloud. It provides a list where you can see the results of each execution. MuukTest groups, all tests executed within the execution and provides the overall result. It marks the tests passed as green and red if the test failed.
If you want to see details of each test executed, then click on each test which opens a step-by-step summary. In addition, when executing the test in the cloud MuukTest provides screenshots of each step.
Step by step for a test
By clicking on Export you have the option to download a zip with the images from the screenshots of every step on the execution, to download a PDF with the execution and steps summary, or to export the execution to Jira.
There, you can select if want to see another view with the buttons that are up-right.
Step by step for a test
For each execution, a video was recorded. You can click on Video Replay to see your execution video.
Execution video
With the button MuukSpecialist, you can schedule a meeting with MuukTeam to resolve questions that you have. When you click on it, a modal with Calendly information is shown and you can select a day to have the meeting.
Contacting MuukTest Specialist.
If your execution fails, MuukTest will show you insights to help you to resolve why your test is not executed correctly. In the step that failed, you will see a message with the error.
Muuk Debug Insights
If you click on the screenshot, you will see all the detailed steps and have the possibility to contact support if you need help with your test.
Modal with step information
If you have more questions, you can see our videos about our MuukTest.
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